Have you filled your Easter eggs yet? If not, you are going to love what we have to say! We asked our listeners to tell us anything other than candy that they put in their Easter Eggs. We have compiled a list of the top 14 fillers.  Thank you to everyone who entered. A big thank you to Days Gone Bye and Bedbutler’s Furniture for sponsoring this contest. Each of our winners won an Easter Basket full of goodies.

Ear Buds

Bouncy Balls


A printed piece of paper with a joke on it. Then after hunt the family sits around and share the jokes with eachother.

Rare Legos Characters

Coupon for fun night with daddy or mommy.

Fruit Snack

Friendship Bracelets

First clue to do a scavenger hunt that leads you to another clue, and eventually the grand prize.

Stickers with cartoon characters

Small dinosaurs (then they pretend they hatch later)


Pass the chore to the sister or brother coupon

Barbie clothes

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