star wars

Carrie Fisher’s Obituary Request Was Typically Witty and Wonderful
Carrie Fisher’s Obituary Request Was Typically Witty and Wonderful
Carrie Fisher’s Obituary Request Was Typically Witty and Wonderful
Today we mourn the loss of Carrie Fisher: Iconic actor, talented author, brilliant script doctor and, most of all, an incomparable force to be reckoned with. There are so many great adjectives you could use to describe Fisher: Uncompromising, unapologetic, fierce, witty, relatable, real, honest. She took all of those qualities and put them to work in her books — from memoirs to novels, Fisher had a knack for telling poignant and painful stories with wit and wisdom. Writing a worthy obituary for one of the best and boldest women on this planet or any other is surely an impossible task…so it’s a good thing that the perfect obit basically already exists, and unsurprisingly, Fisher came up with it herself.
Carrie Fisher Passes Away
Carrie Fisher Passes Away
Carrie Fisher Passes Away
Terrible news to confirm today, as a beloved icon and Star Wars star’s condition has taken a turn for the worse. Carrie Fisher, actress behind both Princess and General Leia, has passed away at age 60. The revered actress and comedic presence had earlier suffered a heart attack en-route from London to Los Angeles.
New ‘Rogue One’ Featurette Reveals Even More Scenes That Weren’t in the Film
New ‘Rogue One’ Featurette Reveals Even More Scenes That Weren’t in the Film
New ‘Rogue One’ Featurette Reveals Even More Scenes That Weren’t in the Film
Between the trailers, teasers and TV spots for Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, we found more than enough scenes (18, to be exact) that didn’t appear in the film when it hit theaters last weekend — clearly due to all those highly-publicized reshoots in post-production. Weirdly enough, Lucasfilm has released a new Rogue One featurette that reveals even more scenes that didn’t make the final cut, including what appears to be an entire sequence filmed in Jordan.
Chewbacca's 'Silent Night'
Chewbacca's 'Silent Night'
Chewbacca's 'Silent Night'
It’s the Friday before Christmas. Those of us who aren’t currently concealing the fact that we’ve slumped over at our desks in a eggnog-hangover-induced nap have glued our eyes to the clock, counting down the minutes to a leisurely holiday break. Everyone just wants to get home, gather with family or other loved ones around a crackling fire, put on the musical stylings of Burl Ives or Bing Crosby, and have a nice mug of hot cocoa. Time slows to a crawl on the Friday before a long weekend, and we both know you’re not getting any work done today, so why not kick back with the soothing sounds of Chewbacca moaning out a classic Christmas standard?
‘Rogue One’ Featured Unused ‘Star Wars’ Footage Found by the Director
‘Rogue One’ Featured Unused ‘Star Wars’ Footage Found by the Director
‘Rogue One’ Featured Unused ‘Star Wars’ Footage Found by the Director
Even if you’re not the biggest fan of CGI actors returned from the dead, you probably had to appreciate the ways that Rogue One: A Star Wars Story director Gareth Edwards tried to bring the events of Star Wars: A New Hope more directly into his film. In several key sequences, Edwards was even able to feature unseen footage from the original 1977 film, causing fans to wonder where that new footage came from (and why they hadn’t seen it before). Are there entire archives of unseen footage that Lucasfilm has been hiding from fans for all these decades?
Jyn Erso Rescues Herself in These New ‘Rogue One’ Clips
Jyn Erso Rescues Herself in These New ‘Rogue One’ Clips
Jyn Erso Rescues Herself in These New ‘Rogue One’ Clips
After months and months of anticipation, Rogue One: A Star Wars Story had its world premiere in Los Angeles last night, and the early reviews are absolutely glowing. Film critics and celebrities alike have commented on the blend of action and heart in the newest film  —  and, curiously, noted that a lot of the trailer footage did not find its way into the finished film  —  giving fans hope that Rogue One will be the next great thing to happen to the Star Wars universe. One more week, everyone. Tickets at the ready.
Watch Zack Snyder’s Trailer Mashup of ‘Batman v Superman’ and ‘Star Wars’
Watch Zack Snyder’s Trailer Mashup of ‘Batman v Superman’ and ‘Star Wars’
Watch Zack Snyder’s Trailer Mashup of ‘Batman v Superman’ and ‘Star Wars’
If you think Zack Snyder’s on the outs after the critical shellacking and box-office underperformance of this spring’s Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, then think again. For one, Bats v Supes (as we showbiz types call it) still made an unholy crap ton of money, and moreover, Snyder has another prospective mega-blockbuster coming down the pike in the form of April’s Justice League. Snyder’s pretty much unstoppable, in the same way that a mudslide or water cyclone is unstoppable. And now he’s struck again, this time with a faux trailer that mashes up his own Batman v Superman with elements of the Star Wars series.
Rumor: ‘Star Wars: Episode 8’ Could Feature a Practical-Effects Supreme Leader Snoke
Rumor: ‘Star Wars: Episode 8’ Could Feature a Practical-Effects Supreme Leader Snoke
Rumor: ‘Star Wars: Episode 8’ Could Feature a Practical-Effects Supreme Leader Snoke
With Rogue One just around the corner, are we all getting snoked — uh, I mean — stoked for Episode VIII? By the time we get to see it, it’ll have been two years since we last caught up with Finn, Rey, Poe, BB-8, and the rest of the gang who are all set to return for the next installment. And we can’t forget the villains: Kylo Ren will probably play a huge part in the next episode, as will Captain Phasma. But what about a certain extremely tall Supreme Leader, who seems to be pulling the strings behind the First Order? We’ll see him too, but he might look a little different.

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