
Russia Finally Admits That Beer is an Alcoholic Beverage
Russia Finally Admits That Beer is an Alcoholic Beverage
Russia Finally Admits That Beer is an Alcoholic Beverage
There has been some speculation, throughout the years, that drinking booze can lead to intoxication, or even alcoholism. Because of this, Russia has finally decided to officially declare beer an alcoholic beverage as a means of keeping their citizens from turning into full-blown boozehounds. Like us Americans. I mean they didn't say it was because of us, but it's a good bet.
Take the Helm — Open Your Own Brewery
Take the Helm — Open Your Own Brewery
Take the Helm — Open Your Own Brewery
When I was a kid and adults asked me what I wanted to do when I was older, I gave people my forty year plan. I was going to play point guard in the NBA and after my all-star career ended I would become a globe-trotting archeologist. Then, reality set in.
Enjoy Your Last Few Days on Earth With This End of the World Beer
Enjoy Your Last Few Days on Earth With This End of the World Beer
Enjoy Your Last Few Days on Earth With This End of the World Beer
According to those trusty old Mayans, we only have 10 days until the end of the world. December 21st is the supposed day of doom, but we don't know why everyone's freaking out so much; this could finally be the arrival of zombie babes. Plus, we're all going down anyway, so we might as well celebrate. That's where La Fin Du Monde ("The End of the World") beer comes in.
Would You Pay $190 For Old Beer?
Would You Pay $190 For Old Beer?
Would You Pay $190 For Old Beer?
Like Beluga caviar and truffles, Sam Adams Utopia is very expensive, rare and leaves us wondering why it so damn expensive? Yes these products are unique but caviar is fishy, truffles taste like dirt and Sam Adams Utopia is essentially a flat beer...
Bull Testicle Beer Is Now a Real Thing
Bull Testicle Beer Is Now a Real Thing
Bull Testicle Beer Is Now a Real Thing
The wily rednecks of Denver’s Wynkoop Brewing Company have always had a lot of balls when it comes to how they brew their beer, but their brewmasters have really gone nuts this time. These mad scientists have just announced the release of their latest product - Rocky Mountain Oyster Stout – made with freshly castrated bull testicles.

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