A YouTuber, who's name I will not mention to spare the poor girl further embarrassment, is on the shame block today after she posted a picture showing a "random man" and his dog. In reality, that is no random man...he's actually a music legend.

However, one user spotted the picture and called her out on it so to speak. Polly Samson posted this to her Twitter account:

"Daughter just drawn to my attention to "random man" picture on ________'s Instagram"

In case you haven't figured it out yet...Polly Samson is the wife of possibly one of the most gifted guitarists ever...Pink Floyd's David Gilmour. Who is the random man in the photo.

After posting the picture her tweet went viral, with Pink Floyd fans searching for the photo on the YouTuber's Instagram to comment on it. The YouTuber captioned the photo:

“I took this photo of a random man & his dog & other photos on the beach at sunset today!”

Pink Floyd fans were quick to correct her that she didn’t see just a “random” man and some lamented about her good luck.

It's not everyday you randomly take random pictures of some random music legend on a random beach. Hopefully next time she'll know exactly who it is she's taking a picture of.

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