One thing we have not had a shortage of recently is rain. It seems everywhere you go in Texas, it has rained significantly at some point in the past 2 weeks. That has prompted voluntary evacuations here in Victoria particularly the Greens Addition neighborhood. Authorities are expecting the Guadalupe River to crest at near 30 feet making some areas impassible.

Those who do choose to remain must be prepared to be isolated until at least the weekend according to authorities which means they should have plenty of food, water and medicine to last until then.

Victoria has received about 8 inches of rain over the past 7 days which is nothing compared to Houston. The nation's 4th largest city received 8 inches of rain in some places in a matter of hours last night stranding motorists and forcing multiple school districts to cancel Tuesday morning classes. At last count there were more than 100 high water rescues recorded since Monday afternoon and so far 3 people are confirmed dead and more than 30 Texas counties have declared states of emergency.

Luckily, the forecast calls for slight chances (20% or less) for biggest part of this week....Hopefully this will give us enough time to dry out and back on track. If anything changes keep it tuned to 106.9 for more weather information.

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