Panhandlers have become somewhat of a nuisance around Victoria lately. Usually at the intersection of Navarro and the Loop. They've turned out in droves it seems and some residents don't like it at all.

Some have stated that the panhandlers are growing more and more aggressive even resulting in threats. A local resident, who prefers to remain anonymous, did some research and found that a certain group of these guys actually drive in from North Houston as a group to stand with their signs all day asking you for your hard earned money. Some of them even have Facebook pages describing to others that they're going to go "work" in Victoria.

Well, enter Victoria City Council. Council held a meeting last night to address citizen concerns about the panhandling. What was done? Absolutely nothing. Sure, they talked and talked but came to no conclusion. The city attorney even stating cases where ordinances were put in place to curb such activity in other cities only to back down and say it would be a headache legally to enact any similar ordinance here in Victoria.

So what is it going to take to get city council to act on anything? Who knows? Maybe if they personally feel threatened or perhaps witness one of these panhandlers step off the curb and into traffic to retrieve a dollar. But I doubt it. Personally I find it disheartening when people show up to voice concerns only to basically be told they're wrong and there won't be anything done about it. Remember that as election time rolls around.

They say it's a matter of free speech. Which, I see that. Everyone has their right to free speech. But, don't we also have the right to not be harassed? I've been asked for money by one of these men before and when I said no I was met with "You're lucky we can't just come take it"...this was in response to me telling the guy I was technically disabled (I suffer from Lupus and sometimes require a handicap tag) yet I still work full time and support myself. Really? How does this make me lucky? What happens if one of them crosses the line with someone and decides to "come take it"? Then what? Is it going to take someone getting hurt or killed for something to be done?

These panhandlers have certainly garnered their fair share of attention in local media. One newspaper article even going so far as to almost showcase a particular panhandler like it's an all star game. The guy openly admitted to being on disability but was disqualified and his benefits taken away because he chose to go to work and try to keep his earnings a secret. Yet, nobody sees a problem with him standing on the corner...sometimes 8 hours a day...begging for your money. If you can stand can work. It's that simple.

My advice for the time being. Don't give them any money. Instead, give them information. Point them in the direction of the nearest place to offer them assistance. Finding them a job, a meal, a bed..SOMETHING. And the ones who truly need the help will be grateful. Or, if you're at a drive thru, pick up an extra burger and give it to them. If they're truly "hungry" they'll accept it with a smile. If they're only after money and won't accept anything else. Tell them to go kick rocks.

Now, am I heartless when it comes to truly homeless people who need help? Of course not. But, there are great programs in place right here in town to help those people out. Donate to those organizations! I encourage it! But, if you refuse any kind of help and instead choose to knock on my window at a busy intersection. Well, I'll give you exactly what City Council is giving the city when it comes to addressing the situation. Not a damn thing.

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