
Love a Good Prank?  Check This Out!
Love a Good Prank? Check This Out!
Love a Good Prank? Check This Out!
These two guys play a great prank in the midst of Black Friday! But why does it feel like in the beginning, they're about to make out? It's great wasting people's time, ain't it? The "fish poison" part still has me laughing. Watch the vid and you'll understand what I mean.
TV Wild Man Fights a Raccoon
TV Wild Man Fights a Raccoon
TV Wild Man Fights a Raccoon
Gotta love dudes like this. Growing up in East Tennessee, my life was full of'em. In fact, my best friend there has a pet "coon" named Chief that lives in the rafters inside his house. A wild, vicious little animal that they consider a pet. You may have heard my story on air about how the nimble, little fingers of a raccoon can actually handle a gun. I'll save my story for my next blog. Just enjoy this video!
Imagine What These Cats Could Do To You If You Fell
Imagine What These Cats Could Do To You If You Fell
Imagine What These Cats Could Do To You If You Fell
This is creepy. It reminds me of my parent's house. Except most of her 50 cats are outside. You can't take a step without eitehr stepping on one or narrowly avoiding breaking your neck. I told her one day she will fall, be incapacitated and have her precious cats eat all her skin off and leave her to die. Just like in the stories you hear. Her response shocked me. "But what a way to go!!" She said. This video shows how out of control a situation like that could be. Give this video to a friend that is considering taking in cats.
Poop Splash…Let’s Stop it Once and For All
Poop Splash…Let’s Stop it Once and For All
Poop Splash…Let’s Stop it Once and For All
The guy who is conducting this experiment, in this video, is right. "Poop Splash" is something we have all experienced. It is also something that we could all do without. This guy has put together an interesting experiment about "poop splash". So put on your goggles and lab coat and let's get dumping. Enjoy the vid.
Cat Bullies are a Real Problem
Cat Bullies are a Real Problem
Cat Bullies are a Real Problem
People, you know me. I'm not an advocate of cutesy videos. Giggling kids and kittens don't usually impress me. There are a couple of exceptions though. Keyboard Cat is perhaps my favorite internet phenomenon of all time. Even more so than "Chocolate Rain". But this cat takes the cake. He's a bully. He's got a serious mean streak. Watch what he does to his little "friend". Just watch for yourself.

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