No matter where you are, this is the day to change the world with one simple act of kindness and, what better month to start doing than December?

On Tuesday of this week,  Dr. Fordianis office went to Burger King on Navarro to pay it forward.  A week ago someone gave the staff  money and asked that they treat themselves to lunch. The staff wanted to pay it forward so, they decided to go to Burger King on Navarro to eat and bless an employee with a gift, a gift from the heart.  A few of the ladies have visited the establishment a few times and, noticed an employee by the name of Brian that always seemed to go above and beyond always with pride and joy.

When given the gift, it didn’t take them long to know what they were going to do, and that was to pay it forward. So when they were done eating, they asked the manager if they could see Brain for a few minutes and, that they had something to give to him.

With tears of joy in each of their eyes, Dr. Fordiani's employees each handed Brian an envelope, which he took with a big smile on his face and warmth in his eyes. They left the restaurant feeling the joy of of giving. The Lord says that we never know when we may minister to an angel and, Brian is a the true meaning of an angel.

We would like to say a BIG Thank You to the staff of Dr Fordianis for paying it forward and, making someone’s day a brighter one!



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