Here we are already at Volume 5.....where does the time go? Well, there is a lot to report this week. I haven't been doing so well lately and if you follow me on Facebook you already knew that. My fevers have gotten more and more frequent and even higher than they should be. The fevers cause my body to feel worn down and fatigued. This, unfortunately, is a common occurrence for Lupus patients apparently. My Rheumatologist has put me on 3 different medications...Prednisone, Imuran and Plaquenil. The Prednisone is a great steroid and it really helps with the pain, the fevers and the fatigue. However, it is not meant as a long term solution and the downside is at some point, you have to start getting weened off or risk other health factors such as stomach, liver and bone density issues. Well, my Doc is weening me off the Prednisone as we speak and my body is not liking it one bit. It is a necessary evil but I'm promised it will get better......I'm still waiting for the "better" part. That's it in a nutshell this week. Nightly fevers and waking up in a pool of sweat and taking more showers than any human should in a single day. I'll keep you posted on when it will get better. In the meantime....Welcome to my life with Lupus.

Take Care!

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