Well here we are with the 12th installment into what was supposed to be about JUST Lupus but as you've read (or maybe you haven't) it's turned into much much worse. In case you don't know, I'm not only fighting Lupus which is a seriously debilitating autoimmune disease, but I am also fighting stage 3 Hodgkins Lymphoma which is a rare form of blood cancer. Spiffy huh?

Well just to update my Lupus has kicked in this week and it is really taking it's toll on me physically. Extreme body aches mainly in my hips/kneees/ankles have started to spread into my shoulders, elbows and wrists making them swollen and uncomfortable.

Still taking chemo every other Wednesday and I'd say it's going pretty well. The tumors have shrunk to where they are no longer noticeable with visual inspection. I had a CT Scan and multiple other tests performed last week and I'm just waiting on my next PET Scan which should be coming up soon. That will tell us where we are at in treatment. Hopefully it's good news....I'll keep you posted.

If you bought a shirt from me, be sure you wear it every Wednesday and keep those pictures on Facebook coming. I'll post more information as I get it on here and of course on my FB page.

Remember.....May is also National Lupus Awareness Month so do a little research about Lupus and pass the information along. So many people are in the dark about what it is and what it can do to a person.

Thanks for following along!

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