In the 15th century, Vlad III, the Prince of Wallachia, was commonly known as “Vlad the Impaler.” His rap sheet included stabbing hundreds of guests at a banquet, decapitation, and inspiring Bram Stoker’s Dracula. And less we forget why he got the name "The Impaler". He would often punish people by impaling them slowly by placing them upon a sharpened wooden pole and letting gravity impale them slowly. Yeah, a sick bastard.

Well to take the sting out of his image, Sean Gallagher, an animation designer with Telegael Studios in Ireland, the man known as “Vlad the Impaler” is now “Vlad the Inhaler” The image, posted on social media, has gone viral and it's pretty funny.

Vlad "The Inhaler"


He's also the genius behind "George Squashington"


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