
The first annual St. Baldrick’s event in the South Texas area will be held this Sunday, March 29th at 2pm at Schroeder Hall. This event was one that really tugged at my heart and I knew I wanted to help with. Being friends with Eve Brogger's parents and watching what they went through was heartbreaking. I look up to Ann and Dave so much for being such wonderful, strong and caring parents to Eve. Having a child with cancer is something no parent should have to ever go through. But if we can make it a little easier and help raise funds for a cure why not?  So, I asked if I could help put on a silent auction at the event and Dina gave me the ok. If you would like to donate an item for the silent auction please email melissarivera@townsquaremedia.com

There will be food, fun, and live music at the event Sunday. St. Baldrick’s Foundation raises money to fund pediatric cancer research.  A large portion of the funds raised directly benefit children in Texas receiving treatment in Houston and  the other large healthcare centers in our state. Participants commit to shave their heads in order to support children receiving chemo who have lost their hair while raising money in the process. Our very own KIXS Morning dj JP has stepped up and will be shaving his head on air. Please click here to help raise money for St Baldwicks.

Let's show these kids and St. Baldwick how awesome our community is.


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