Ryan Hartman son of Amy and JR Hartman is a sophomore at St Joseph High School in Victoria. December 3rd he was diagnosed with Leukemia/lymphoma. The family and his Aunt Kelly have set up an account on Caring Bridge to be able to follow his story and updates. His family and friends have come together to show how much they love and support Ryan.

This Sunday they are holding a Blood Drive at First English Evangelical Lutheran Church located at 516 N Main Street from 10:00-4:00 pm. Please bring a picture ID. Please drink plenty of water and eat a sensible meal within 4 hours prior to donation.
Appointments are not required for whole blood donations at MD Anderson Donor Center locations.You click here to sign up to schedule an appointment to donate.   You will also be able to register to be in the Bone Marrow donor registry. Ask for Brian Allison when you arrive and he can sign you up.   The family won't be able to attend. There will be a place you fill out a card and leave a message for the family.


Our faithful warrior Ryan and friends designed an awesome shirt! There are 3 to choose from. Forms to order shirts will be available at the blood drive and at VCS Communications   or you can email  Kelly Henke Kelly.Henke@vcscompanies.com  Deadline to order is January 31st.

If you would like to make a monetary donation please visit New First Bank. There is an have an account set up - Hartman Strong. Please make any checks payable that way.

His aunt Kelly wrote on Caring Bridge- To all of our followers and prayer warriors -  Ryan and his family are beyond thankful for each one of you!   Keep those prayers coming!   Keep the encouragement and positive vibes flowing!   They feel each one!



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