Congratulations to VIP Reward Club Member Jade Peterson! Jade has been listening to the radio and entering her reward points throughout the month of November for her chance to WIN. And today it paid off, Jade WINS CASH and lots of it, $10,000... that's TEN GRAND to spend however she wants... (Christmas shopping....Shhhh!)

Thanks to Electric Tans, and thanks to all the VIP Members who entered the contest during the month of November. A whopping total of $58,000 for the month was given away on the radio, and online. We told you it was going to be a month to remember, and we have some pretty BIG PLANS for the future too!

If you haven't joined us yet... JOIN HERE!

Once again, Congratulations, Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year to our final Cash Winner, JADE PETERSON, enjoy the $10,000!

Here is some of what Jade has to say about winning....


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