There are so many great dads throughout the Crossroads, and it's a shame we can't give every single one a prize, but we had to choose just one from all the entries in our Crossroads Superdad contest.

A BIG Thank you to everyone who took the time to vote for their favorite Superdad. Our winner will receive a $100 giftcard to The Sky Restaurant, $50 giftcard to Melvin's Menswear, a Miller Lite Grill, and Miller Lite cornhole bean bag game, and a recliner.

And, the winner is...Bruce Williams! Here is the nomination letter submitted by his daughter Allison.

My dad has always been there to help and support me with what ever I have decided to do. He has taught me how to cast a rod, shoot a rife, shoot a shotgun, and most importantly shoot a bow. He has been my caddy daddy and also helped coach me through archery to the point I earned a spot on the US archery team. My dad has also become an amazing grandfather to 3. My dad also cooks the most amazing brisket, ribs, and beans! We all call him Batman! He is the best dad. He even helped me with all of my livestock projects even when they involved halter breaking and he got pantsed. I think my dad totally deserves the Super dad award he has gone above and beyond what ever Batman is capable of. 

Thanks Allison for such a great letter, and we wish all the dads out there a very Happy Father's Day!


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