As if America isn't fat enough (myself included) Burger King has announced plans to roll out something they're hoping to appeal to the Taco Bell demographic (stoners and teenagers....and stoned teenagers) called the Whopperito. It's pretty self explanatory. Take the contents of a Whopper hamburger (Meat, cheese, lettuce, tomato, onion, pickles, mustard and ketchup) and throw it in a flour tortilla....that's it! Wait. That's it? Gee, way to be creative Burger King. Seriously did you have a contest among local day cares to come up with that gem?

The announcement comes roughly 6 months after Burger King also ventured into the hot dog market which has been met with mixed reviews. In all fairness, McDonald's has already tried throwing their signature hamburger into a tortilla...remember the Big Mac wrap? Yeah, it didn't last long.

But then again there are folks out there who will literally shove anything into their stomachs without worry (cue the double down from KFC) and I'm sure people will turn up in droves to try Burger King's latest offering but count this guy out. That's not a question I need answered.

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