In America, the police are being filmed now more than ever. With the recent rash of cops shooting, and in some cases killing, suspects you can't blame America for being a little on edge in wanting to protect itself...but that's a whole other post in itself. A woman in Spain, however, was fined by her local police department for posting a picture of one of their police cars illegally parked in a handicap parking space. Really?!

In Spain, the "Citizens Security Law" is a new gagging law that is being used in strange ways. This law limits what people can post on social networks and also prevents "the unauthorized use of images of police officers that might jeopardize their or their family's safety or that of protected facilities or police operations."

The police defended their actions by saying that the car was parked in that spot because the officers had rushed to an incident of vandalism nearby.

How, though, did the unnamed woman's Facebook post interfere with the police in their duties to keep citizens secure? According to the local media, the police felt their honor had been impugned. Really.

Local media have continued to feature the image in reports wondering how this could have put the police in jeopardy when the image showed no police officers, just their car.

A spokesman for the town administration admitted that the town wished the police had resolved the situation in another manner. He said, though, that the new law allowed them to avenge their dishonor is this way.

Hell hath no fury like a policeman dishonored.

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