Imagine the scene-you're about to get married, a ceremony that's been in the planning stages for quite some time. You're having the ceremony at an exclusive resort in Nova Scotia and everything seems to be in order. Your family and friends are there, the arrangements have all been made, you're dealing with last-minute details. Next thing you know, the wedding planner tells you "oh by the way, the main lodge is on fire." Oh, okay...wait, what?

That's how it happened for 32 yr old Nancy Rogers and fiance Michael Rogers at the popular White Point Beach Resort. How would you handle it, would you postpone the ceremony? This couple didn't. The staff of the resort scrambled to move the ceremony to anther building, while firefighters from more than 10 departments battled the blaze.  The couple decided to go ahead with the ceremony, which ended up only being delayed by about an hour.

Now, that's a wedding to remember!

Did anything unusual happen at your wedding?

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