
Why Don’t We Have Faster-Than-Light Travel Yet?
Why Don’t We Have Faster-Than-Light Travel Yet?
Why Don’t We Have Faster-Than-Light Travel Yet?
Traveling faster than the speed of light is a popular concept in the world of most science fiction, but still very much fiction. So why is it that with all of the technological advancements that actual science has made over the last century is faster-than-light travel nowhere within our reach?
Learn Chemistry With Adorable Dogs
Learn Chemistry With Adorable Dogs
Learn Chemistry With Adorable Dogs
In this heartwarming YouTube video, adorable pooches-turned-chemists Paige and Dexter explain the basics of chemistry using their toys. If your child is struggling with basic chemistry concepts in school or you just need a pick me up after a long, stressful day, this video will make you giggle as the pooches demonstrate the ins-and-outs of chemical bonding.
Get a Step-by-Step Guide to Lucid Dreaming
Get a Step-by-Step Guide to Lucid Dreaming
Get a Step-by-Step Guide to Lucid Dreaming
We know -- the first thing we thought when we saw this was "who draws that well on white board" too! Once we got over that, we realized we should actually be paying attention to what this guy's saying. It's a step by step guide from asapScience to achieving lucid dreams -- dreams you are cognizant of and can control...
Women Gain Weight After Marriage, Men After Divorce
Women Gain Weight After Marriage, Men After Divorce
Women Gain Weight After Marriage, Men After Divorce
Getting hitched results in women putting on the pounds, whereas the male waistline is more likely to expand after a divorce. Researchers from Ohio State University discovered this discrepancy after analyzing a study on the effects marital events had on 10,000 people between 1986 and 2008.