How 2 Ikea trestles will fill your life with excitement


Trestles: Boring wooden A-frame support structures, right? WRONG! More like support structures for exciting people!!!

Most people think trestles are only good for a table or desk. Well guess what? MOST PEOPLE ARE WRONG!!!

1. Imagine Shawn Johnson’s chagrin when you bring home gold at the 2012 Olympics – simply from practicing the parallel bars on two trestles!!!

2. Or think about the awesome forts you (or your kids) will make. Teatime with Big Bear and the gang will never be the same!!!

2 ikea trestles fort

3. Did someone say strength training? Get rock solid abs in 30 days with the 2-trestle Xtreme Workout!!!

3 ikea trestles workout

4. Company coming over for the weekend? Give them a very uncomfortable and potentially dangerous sleeping arrangement: two trestles and a mattress!!! (I don’t actually recommend doing this.)

4 ikea trestles bed
TRUE STORY: These trestles supported my desk when I went to school. I graduated with honours. Coincidence? I DON’T THINK SO!!!

5 ikea trestles success

Slap boredom in the face with a pair of trestles and make your life exciting!!! $50 for 2!!!

YOU: “Wait a minute, doesn’t Ikea sell them for $30 each? That would be $65.40 (tax incl.) for 2. That’s not much of a deal.”
ME: “Sure, but now you don’t have to go to Ikea!!! You can even take them home on the bus!!! And you just read a really entertaining advertisement!!! Or make me a better offer!!


All I can say about this is.....Yeah, that just happened.

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