Awww so sad to hear the Jared Fogle is having a bad time in prison. I'm kidding of course. It seems the former Subway pitchman turned creepy child rapist feels prison life isn't all it's cracked up to be.

Fogle's prison diet reportedly consists of mainly sugar. He eats a steady supply of Frosted Flakes and Honey Buns. Fogle’s sweet-tooth binging is likely attributed to his newfound depression as the convicted sex offender suffers endless torment at Colorado’s Federal Correctional Institution.

Inmates regularly call him a “dirty child rapist” and he once stood silently and accepted a beating as another prisoner smacked him around. Fogle has also earned the nickname “Chomo,” short for child molester.

So, the depression has cause Fogle to pack on the pounds again. Gaining 30 pounds in just over a two month time frame. So sorry you're feeling so down Jared but at least you're not on a steady diet of prison foot longs....not yet anyway.

Fogle was sentenced to 15 years in prison for collecting child pornography and having sex with underage prostitutes.

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