Roughly 3-4 weeks ago, Texas was hit hard with days and days of rain that caused massive flooding and billions of dollars in damages across the state. Ultimately, the flooding also cost the lives of 8 people. Certainly a catastrophic event to say the least.

However, have Texans now become gun shy when it comes to precipitation? Or do we have every right to "freak out"?

With the approaching Tropical Storm Bill, my Facebook feed has been cluttered with school and business closings as well as picture after picture of empty store shelves in the water and bread isles mostly. Is there honestly a need to shut down schools when our rainfall forecast is significantly less than this time 3 weeks ago? The resulting storm is supposed to last no more than 24 hours and yet a bottle of water cannot be found on a store shelf in Houston.

Have we lost our edge? I remember being able to buy anything I wanted during Tropical Storm Allison back in 2001 and that storm dropped more than 15 inches of rain.

It doesn't help when all you hear on TV is how much Armageddon is headed this way only to be hit with a light sprinkle and a stiff breeze.

Maybe it's just me, I don't know. But it seems we're being stirred into a frenzy when it drizzles. I'm sure Tropical Storm Bill will drop it's fair share of rain across the region but I hardly think it's the apocalyptic event some are making it out to be.

What do you think?

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